
From over 35 years in traveling ministry, we have a lot of stories to tell!

Down the Drain?

18 February

We recently celebrated our 46th anniversary.  Ron is such a martyr!  (Or am I the martyr?)  Seven years ago we were on a plane, making our 6th ministry trip to the British Isles.  After one of my journeys to the toilet, I passed Ron in the aisle as he was making his way to that handy little room.  When I returned to my seat I found Ron had left me an anniversary card.  He surprised me!  I had a card for him too.

Upon his return he shared with me that he found the card when we were visiting our daughter Renee (in Walnut Grove, BC).  He had gone out to get the parts for the downstairs toilet.  He thinks of me when he buys toilet parts?  Does that mean our marriage has gone down the drain?  Does that mean we’re all wet?  Is our relationship only a pipe dream? Can we no longer get a handle on our marriage?  Am I in the seat of his affections?  When Ron thinks of me, does he get a flush?  I am very tankful for our marriage!

God has greatly blessed our union.  In fact, in all those 46 years we haven’t had one argument!  [We’ve actually had 1, 437, 126; but who’s counting?]  We’ve encountered a few trials along the way.  We know James 1:2 says, “count it all joy when you fall into various trails.”  Yes, we know that God uses problems in our life to help us mature in Him.  I would really like to pray, “Uh, excuse me God, but could I just skip this particular trial that has blasted its way into my life?  I don’t really want to grow or mature at the moment. . . not today anyway.  Or this week.  Or this month.  I would be happy to mature in 2025.”

As I look back on these past 46 years, I can agree with Ron’s malapropism: “A lot has gone under the water since then.”

One Response to “Down the Drain?”

  1. Kathy Ford February 20, 2013 at 10:03 pm #

    Congratulations Ron and Bonnie! Bonnie, your sense of humor just keeps its motor running! Love to you both,