Archive | November, 2012

98 mph in the Airport

19 November

It occurred to me, after sharing Ron’s malapropism in my last blog, “everything is peachy-dory” that there might be young people out here who wouldn’t understand it.  That malapropism is a combination of “peachy-keen” and “hunky-dory.”  I can understand the peachy-keen, since things used to be “keen” in the Olden Days, instead of neat or […]

A God Thing

13 November

Welcome back to The Continuing Saga of Ron’s Broken Heart.  I waited in a waiting room (which is actually quite logical) while Ron had an Angiogram (which is not as much fun as a birthday-gram).  I received the news “Your husband needs open heart surgery.”  You know, if doctor had said bi-pass surgery, it wouldn’t […]

Disease of the Month Club

09 November

November 9, 2012 Ron shouldn’t have joined The Disease of the Month Club.  That can be the only explanation as to why he has had a stellar career of experiencing rather major health problems, leading up to his present battle with Parkinson’s.  He started in high school with a tumor growing around an artery in […]